Saturday, May 7, 2011

Something Borrowed

Last night a few friends and I went to the movies to see something we'd been waiting for for monthes: Something Borrowed!

We'd all read the book by the same name and loved it!

Overall, I thought the actors and actresses they chose were pretty similiar to the way I imagined each of the characters in my head. The only exception to that was Ethan. I pictured someone like Adrien Grenier playing him- but I ended up loving John Kransinski in the role!

Making up the starring cast was:

Ginnifer Goodwin as Rachel

Kate Hudson as Darcy

Colin Egglesfield as Dex

John Krasinski as Ethan

Steve Howey as Markus

Our expectations for the movie were kind of high (maybe too high?), and I wouldn't say they were totally fulfilled. On its own, the story flows pretty well , but there were some diviations from the book that we just couldn't ignore. The biggest of these has to do with Ethan. I don't want to give anything away, but his role is significantly bigger in the movie than in the book. Also, a character named Claire is made out to be a lot weirder in the movie than she ever was in the book- probably to add some comic relief.

Another thing that was interesting about the movie was it's ending. While the story was ended up a little differently than in the book, there were a couple loose ends that diviated from the book which weren't really wrapped up at all.

Overall, the movie was a fun, feel-good romantic comedy- great for a date night or a girls night!


Emily said...

I absolutely love the book! I actually reread it this past week to be ready for the movie and I hope to get to go see it sometime this weekend! I have really high hopes for it so I hope it doesn't let me down.

Hannah said...

It's definitely a really cute movie! (and very generous with the eye candy!) Just don't go in expecting it to be EXACTLY like the book, and I don't think you'll de disappointed...I just hope you like Ethan!

Oh and I read today that they're already talking about making "Something Blue" into a movie if this one does well enough... I guess I need to get to reading that!

Miss Southern Prep said...

This movie just got terrible reviews in the paper where I live, so I'm glad you liked it! I read Something Borrowed 2 years ago and LOVED it, so I can't wait to see the movie!