Sunday, May 1, 2011

Weekend ChitChat

  • I made a run to CVS yesterday to pick up some pressed powder. This is what I cam home with:
I promise I am not a compulsive shopper or a hoarder. They were all things I've been wanting to try and at least two of the things were on sale, right!? I admit, the face wash is kind of a novelty. But don't lie, you know you were at least tempted by the Scrublet too! I got the Lash Blast Fusion hoping it would be even better than the original Lash Blast. Sadly, while it did lengthen really well, it didn't do much in the way of volumizing. And the eye shadow? I really have no way of justifying that- I just wanted silver eye shadow.
  • It hit me this weekend that I am taking my senior portrait this Tuesday. This is crazy. It's just the beginning of all the "senior things" I will be doing for the next year, and before I know it, it'll be June 2012 and I'll be graduated.
  • I edited the settings on my blog so that anyone can post a comment- even people without a Google account. So if you're reading this and you don't have an account, feel free to leave a comment!
  • I found this picture on Tumblr yesterday and laughed because it is so true:
(Fact: I am obsessed with the idea of Harry and Pippa getting together. Wouldn't that be too perfect!?)
  • I came in today and found my mom on the couch with my cat, watching Napoleon Dynamite. One more reason why I love this woman.
  • As I'm writing this, I have a horrible horrible sinus headache. I get them all the time and they are just no fun. Usually a couple Advil do the trick, but today I opened the medicine cabinet and guess what? There was only ONE advil left. Of course. So I took a generic ibuprofen, which helped until it wore off well before I could take more. Ugh. Thank goodness I only have about an hour left until its been 6 hours...

Have a fabulous week!


Lauren said...
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Lauren said...

oops! messed up :P Here is what I said before:
I used to use the original Lash Blast mascara too and I LOVED it! Then one day, I switched to the Fusion one out of curiosity just like you and I'm not as big of a fan. After that ran out, I got another...hoping for better. Bad decision. Ha! When this one runs out, I'm going back to the original Lash Blast mascara.

Do you have any other mascara favorites from Covergirl or other brands?

p.s. I'm a junior too but we don't take our senior pictures until senior year! It's exciting but kind of scary to be THIS close to graduating! :)

Hannah said...

I haven't tried a TON of mascaras, but my favorites I've used are probably LashBlast original and volume (I don't even know if there's a difference...), Maybelline Colossal Volum Express, Revlon Grow Luscious, and Loreal Voluminous.

I also really like using good old Maybelline Great Lash waterproof as sort of a primer because it's one of the only mascaras I've used that doesn't straighten out my lashes after I've curled them.

I think I might do a few posts on my favorite makeup items, daily routine, etc. Thoughts?

As for senior protraits, my school is literally one of the only ones I've ever heard of that does them Junior year. My guess is that the fall can be a super busy time with college apps and everything, so it's easier to get it done now. And I know what you mean about graduating- it always seemed so far away and now we're next!