Thursday, July 14, 2011

Makeover Time!

"Cher's main thrill in life is a makeover. It gives her a sense of control in a world full of chaos."- Dion, Clueless

Hello, lovelies! It's been a busy week, and I am fully aware that I have been a totally MIA blogger!

But anyway...

My computer was looking a little bland and cluttered, so this week I gave her a little makeover!

My first order of business was taking care of my generic, factory wallpaper. About a year ago, my computer crashed, the hard drive had to be completely wiped, and the operating system had to be reinstalled. After that, I just never got around to changing my wallpaper from the boring standard windows background. I got a little inspired and here's what I came up with:


 The font is called "Monogram KK" and I found it here.

I also decided to update my terrible system for organizing my documents.

I forgot to screencap it, but you can probably imagine: desktop halfway filled with random documents, random folders that go with applications floating around, documents with terrible names, etc.

You can see it in the pictures up there, but here's a close-up of my new and improved desktop:
I also have my recycling bin in the lower right corner.
Basically, the only things I have on my desktop are the bare necessities: Easy access to My Computer and My Documents, internet browsers, and my recycling bin. Anything else is filed away in its appropriate folder.

I also reorganized "My Documents"
The idea was to create general "umbrella folders" that specifically fit my needs. Each of my files fits into one of these folders, and most of them contain subfolders to organize further. For example, my "High School" folder contains a subfolder for the year and, within each of those, a folder for each class I had documents for. So, for example, if I need to look up a PowerPoint I created for my Spanish class Junior year, I know exactly where to look.

Also, some folders have two different homes. For example, my "Blog Pictures" folder is located both in "My Pictures" and in the "Blog" umbrella folder in "My Documents".

I want to do more of these organization posts, so let me know in the comments if this was helpful, and if you'd  like to see any more!

Have a fabulous day!


Portuguese Prepster said...

I love having my computer nice and organized like this! I'm obbsessed with your background.

Hannah said...

When everything's clean and organized, I just feel like such a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders!

If you want, I'd love to make you a background!

Savannah said...

Looks great! I so need to do this

The Cat Hag said...

My computer desktop is always cluttered with stuff too, but I try to routinely categorize them or my OCD self will go insane. ;)

The Cat Hag

Lauren said...

I do that at least every two months. I'm such an organizer! I love going through everything. Congrats on cleaning out :) It makes things less stressful!